健康巴士: Free Health Screenings, Coaching, and Education

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健康巴士: Free Health Screenings, Coaching, and Education


也许你见过 健康巴士 driving around Salt Lake Valley or in a parking lot in 奥格登 or 普洛佛. But what services does this mobile clinic offer to the Utah community? 南希·奥尔蒂斯 移动医疗项目经理, 解释如何使用这种多语言, 完全免费的, and anonymous service for convenient health screenings and professional wellness counseling.


面试官: 当你出门在外的时候, you may have seen it driving or in a parking lot in South Salt Lake, 奥格登, 普洛佛, 卡恩斯, 格兰岱尔市, 或者在盐湖城山谷的其他地方. 你总是想知道, "What is the Wellness Bus and who can take advantage of this free resource?"

Nancy Ortiz is the mobile health program operations manager, which includes overseeing the University of Utah Wellness Bus. Nancy, let's just start off with what is the Wellness Bus?

南茜: So the Wellness Bus is a mobile prevention and education clinic that is focused on really making communities healthier. So it's a 39-foot Winnebago that has been outfitted to travel around to different communities and provide free screening services for not only diabetes but other chronic disease.

所以当你来到公共汽车,你可以得到 . . . 一切都是免费的. 它是免费的. 你可以做一个简单的葡萄糖测试, 如果你的血糖过高, 大发娱乐也可以做糖化血红蛋白测试. Additionally, we can test your cholesterol, a whole lipid panel. 大发娱乐测试你的身高,体重,身体质量指数. 大发娱乐测试你的腰围. 然后, 另外, we have a registered dietician that offers free nutritional counseling or coaching on the bus.

同样,所有的服务都是免费的. And we go to the same locations because we want people to 回来. We want to help people manage their diabetes or their pre-diabetes, 或者预防糖尿病前期或糖尿病, 或者大发娱乐他们治疗高血压. So we encourage people to 回来 and that's why we go to the same locations every week.

面试官: And the individuals that come and visit the Wellness Bus, what is the impetus? 是什么激发了他们进入这辆巴士, into this situation that they might not be familiar with? 是什么让他们这么做的??

南茜: 这是一个很好的问题,因为大发娱乐发现, just because you build it or park it there doesn't mean they come inside, 正确的? A lot of people just go walk by out of curiosity, like, "What is that?" But people, they do want to know, and we hope more people want to know. 正如大发娱乐所说,你的数字是多少? 你的葡萄糖是多少?? 你的血压是多少? 你的胆固醇是多少?? 这些数字看起来像什么? 有时他们会成为一种负担.

We don't diagnose on the bus because we don't have medical providers. 大发娱乐与社区卫生工作者合作. 所以大发娱乐大发娱乐认同. So the person that does finally make that decision to come into the bus, we do the screenings. And of course, they hope that their health looks pretty good. 但如果它看起来不 . . . the numbers aren't ideal, we can help them find a provider if they don't have one.

And studies have shown that lots of times, people will not seek care because of the cost. 他们不想给家庭增加负担. 钱已经很紧了. So we have services available where we can help people get either free or low-cost medical care. So we are there trying to help the person find affordable resources.

面试官: 那将是一件可怕的事情, 发现你有健康问题, and definitely a reason why you just walk on by as opposed to finding out.

南茜: 完全.

面试官: So it's great that you're connecting people with community to resources that can help in their situation. 告诉我关于某人的事. Walk me through somebody comes in, they find out, "I've got a high fasting glucose. 我可能有糖尿病.“你把他们和一些资源联系起来. 在那之后的旅程是怎样的?

南茜: 正确的. 再一次。, 他们得到了这个坏消息, 但大发娱乐在那里鼓励和说, “通过教育和生活方式的改变," which is why we have a registered dietician on the bus, “你真的可以做到."

We're here to educate you on ways to reduce your sugar levels or you're high cholesterol levels. And we highly encourage you to see a medical provider because it could be that you they need to be on other medication or insulin.

And once you've met with the provider, we encourage you to 回来 to the bus. 大发娱乐大发娱乐再次寻求支持. And a lot of times, Scot, it's just the social support.

大发娱乐有一个人. 他刚来的时候患有糖尿病. 他几乎每周都来坐公共汽车. And his glucose levels are improving because 我认为 that social interaction. 他认识车上的人,比如,“嘿,亚历克斯. 你好,玛丽亚. 嗨,Veka.“这真的很有大发娱乐, 我认为, pay attention more to their health and make them feel like somebody cares.

大发娱乐尽量让人们感到舒适. We try to break down on the bus as many barriers as possible.

People can come on the bus and remain anonymous if they want. 大发娱乐问他们一般的信息, 名字, address, 还有一点病史, 但是你不需要填写. 如果人们不想大发娱乐提供他们的信息, and some don't for fear that it's going to 回来 to them in some bad ways, 这就像, “你不必说出你的真实姓名. 你不必留下你的地址.“大发娱乐不希望这成为一个障碍.

大发娱乐船上有说西班牙语的人, 所以大发娱乐有了这种语言, but we have an interpretation service that we use that we have access to 240 languages and dialects. We can get someone that speaks their language within a minute on the phone. 所以大发娱乐不希望它成为一个障碍.

We travel to communities that have high rates of diabetes and chronic disease, 想让人们更方便地上车. 所以我试着打破这些障碍 . . .

You asked me previously why someone would or wouldn't come on to the bus. We're just trying to get as close to them as we can and say, "Just please come on board. 大发娱乐好好谈谈吧. 让大发娱乐看看你的血液. 只是手指扎了一下. 大发娱乐不能从手臂上抽血. 只是在手指上扎了一下."

所以它只是让你知道你在哪里, 再一次。, 在健康和不健康的范围内, 这就是大发娱乐想让人们知道的. 大发娱乐不是来羞辱任何人的. So, 再一次。, we want people to feel comfortable that we're not here to judge you on your weight or how you eat.

面试官: 这根本不是个人缺点的反映.

南茜: 这不是. 很多时候,这是教育的一部分.

面试官: What would you say to somebody that might see the Wellness Bus parked some place and they're thinking about coming in but they're not sure?

南茜: 想都别想. 快开门进来吧. 大发娱乐的员工很友好. They're going to make you feel like you're just sitting in your living room while you're getting your finger poked.

我是说,请不要犹豫,请进来. 看看你的健康状况如何. 得到一个基线. And if it needs improvement, we can help you make those improvements. 如果数字看起来不错,那就更好了. 你可以走出那里的感觉, “嘿, 我比我想象的还要健康," or, “我还需要做一些改进," or, “哇, 我现在确实需要去看医生."

但是再一次, we are there to help you on this journey not just today and say, "Oh, 这就是你的数字,“但, “嘿, 回来. 无论大发娱乐在哪里,大发娱乐每周都在大发娱乐. 大发娱乐大发娱乐你踏上健康之旅.“所以,请上车吧.