
Three 红眼的类型 and How to Prevent it

As summer heats up, so do activities that put kids and adults in close quarters. We’re jumping into swimming pools, going to sleepovers and amusement parks, and getting out and about in crowds.

These circumstances make us more susceptible to picking up common eye infections, 包括一个条件 结膜炎俗称“红眼”."

“Symptoms of 粉红色的眼睛, or 结膜炎, include redness of the eyes and discharge,” says Marielle Young,医学博士他是一名儿科眼科医生 约翰一. 莫兰眼科中心. “The eyes may burn or itch or feel irritated.”

About three million cases of 粉红色的眼睛 are reported in the U.S. 每年. According to the National Eye Institute, 粉红色的眼睛 is one of the most common and treatable eye conditions in children and adults.

Here’s what Young wants patients to know about how 粉红色的眼睛 spreads, 如何预防?, 以及如何治疗.


Pink eye may be caused by a virus, bacteria, or allergies.

  1. 病毒性红眼病 is the most common type of 结膜炎. Sparked by the same virus that causes runny noses and sore throats in people with the common cold, 它极具传染性. It may cause burning, red eyes with a watery discharge.
  2. 细菌性红眼, caused by a bacterial infection, is also highly contagious. It causes sore, red, sticky eyes.
  3. 过敏性红眼病 不会传染. It comes from an allergic reaction to pollen, 烟, 池氯, 动物, 或者其他环境因素. It can result in itchy, red, and watery eyes and may cause puffy eyelids.

Children are most likely to get viral or bacterial 粉红色的眼睛. That’s because they’re in close contact with others, such as in daycare centers and playgrounds, and are generally not great at practicing good hygiene.

Contagious 粉红色的眼睛 commonly spreads through direct contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids—usually through hand-to-eye contact.


Here are some steps parents can take to help prevent the spread of 粉红色的眼睛 among children:

  • Encourage kids to wash their hands with soap and water throughout the day.
  • Don’t let them touch or rub their eyes.
  • Don’t share anything that touches the eyes, including eyeglasses and masks (medical and costume/dress-up).
  • Make sure they use their own towel, blanket, and pillowcase.
  • Wash any discharge from around the eyes several times a day.

除了上面的提示, adults can limit the spread of viral and bacterial 结膜炎 among themselves and their families by following these steps:

  • Wash your hands immediately after touching an infected person's eyes, linens, or clothes. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Don't use the same eye drop dispenser/bottle for infected and non-infected eyes—even on the same person.
  • Clean eyeglasses and sunglasses regularly.
  • Clean, store, and replace contact lenses as instructed by your eye health professional.
  • Don't share makeup, makeup brushes, contact lenses or containers, or eyeglasses.


Pink eye generally clears up on its own, but you can reduce the symptoms by putting a warm, damp washcloth over the eyes for a few minutes. Repeat this several times a day and use a clean washcloth each time.

However, see a doctor immediately if a person experiences these symptoms:

  • 视觉变化
  • 明显的不适
  • 红肿或分泌物增多
  • 眼睑肿胀
  • 发热

Pink eye and COVID-19 connection?

You may have heard that there’s a connection between COVID-19和红眼病, but the American Academy of Ophthalmology notes that while the virus may cause 粉红色的眼睛 in rare cases (experts believe it develops in just 1-3% of people with the disease), it doesn't appear to be a stand-alone symptom of COVID-19. So just because someone has 粉红色的眼睛, it doesn't mean they're infected with coronavirus.